Transneft to be ready to receive high-viscosity oil from Tatarstan

During the oil forum in Karabash village, the Transneft’s Vice President Igor Katsal stated that Transneft was ready to receive high-viscosity oil from Tataneft, transmits, referring to the portal Transport nefti.

Earlier Transneft stated that it was going to introduce “a bank of quality” – a limit of sulfur content in oil, which spoils its quality in oil pipelines and concluded that the era of light oil had been over.

“I am worried that we hear about high viscosity oil more and more. Of course, this doesn’t add us throughput capacity, and the turnover falls. However, the era of light oil has passed, we must prepare for heavy oil. We watch that every year the sulfur content in the Russian oil is growing by 0, 01%,"- Igor Katsav cited statistics. "But we are ready to accept and such oil, all enterprises in Tatarstan work quite stably. We are ready to take part in the development of the republic by receiving any oil," - he said.

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