Transneft claims that the launch of Tuapse oil refinery can be postponed

The launch of Tuapse oil refinery with the increase of its capacity from 5 to 12 million tons annually could  be postponed due to the need for repairs of the pipeline constructed of Tikhoretsk- Tuapse-2. The pipeline is meant for fuel transport to the plant. It’s built under the orders of Rosneft.

Being the operator of the project, Transneft held in May an inspection of the quality of the work at the pipeline, and made 1,097 objections. The representative of the company, I. Dyomin thinks that they won’t be in time with the pipeline before the end of this summer, and can postpone it until the next year, thus, neither the pipeline or  the plant will be launched. Rosneft claims that the pipeline will be repaired in time, as well as the plant will be launched, but the precise data has not been announced as yet.

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