Rosneft wants to coordinate all supplies of Russian oil to Kazakhstan

Minister that this idea has been supported by the Federal Customs Service and coordinated with Transneft and Gazpromneft. Only the Ministry of Energy opposes it, demanding consultations with the  interested parties. The Rosneft’s press centre doesn’t comment on the situation.

Rosneft reports in its letter to D.Medvedev that coordinator will have the possibility to solve the problem of the re-export of Russian oil without the payment of export duties to China through the territory of Kazakhstan. In autumn of 2012, Vladimir Putin informed Nursultan Nazarbayev that Russia didn’t like the plans of the Kazakh company KazMunaiGas, connected with the increase of the amounts of duty-free oil supplies from Russia to China. Such scheme is  legal in the territory of the Customs Union, but the Russian budget loses about $1 billion every year because of this.

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