Transneft has signed additional agreements with Yamal Nenets, Khanty Mansi Autonomous Areas and Tyumen region

The cooperation agreement on the foundation of the infrastructure objects of the Zapolyarie-Purpe-Samotlor oil pipeline presupposes a close and complex cooperation of all parties.

The pipeline is of strategic importance for the development of the oil pipeline infrastructure.

The agreement was signed in March 2010 and referred only the 1st stage of construction of the oil pipeline system of Purpe-Samotlor site.

The Governor of the Yamal Nenets Autonomous Area, D. Kobylkin, called the route of the pipeline the main connecting element between the eastern and western parts of the country’s pipeline system.

The document stipulates the aspects of cooperation and synchronization of actions on the realization of investment projects in the regions, in particular, the infrastructure objects of the Zapolyarie-Purpe-Samotlor oil pipeline, the bridge over the Pur river in the area of Korotchaevo and other industrial and social objects.

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