Transneft creates a subsidiary for pipelines protection

Transneft has established Transneft-Okhrana "to ensure the safety and protection of facilities and the linear part of the Transnet’s oil and oil products pipeline transport.

New subsidiary was headed by retired Lieutenant-General of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vyacheslav Bolahnin, born in Penza on March 13th, 1954.

On April 20th, the federal law "On Amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on establishment of departmental security service to ensure the safety of the fuel and energy sector's facilities" came into force, which established the right of such companies as Gazprom, Transneft and Rosneft to create departmental protection for provision of safety of FEC facilities, intended for production, processing, transportation and storage of products, supplied under the state contract.

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