The Ministry of Energy will analyze within a short period Transneft’s suggestion about growth in ESPO tariff

~~The Ministry of Energy will analyze within a short period of time Transneft’s suggestion about the growth in the tariff for oil transporting via the ESPO pipeline in the direction of Kozmino for exports, Interfax reports referring to the Deputy Minister of Energy, K. Molodtsov. He states the decision about this issue and the investment program of Transneft will be agreeed rather soon.

Mr. Molodtsov explains that ESPO pipeline's broadening is necessary because the companies announced their enlargement in oil production and transporting in Eastern Siberia  from 2017-2018. The peak is awaited not in 2020-s  but by 2-3 years earlier. Thus, there needs to be an adequate reaction from the technical and financial points of view. It will need intensification, and, probably, an increase of Transneft’s investment program. The Ministry thinks that the tariff will be enlarged by not more than $20.

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