State companies cannot fuel the Far East cheaply

Rosneft and Transneft cannot fulfill the instruction of Vladimir Putin and provide the Far East with cheap fuel. Rosneft accuses Transneft of having no infrastructure and too high tariffs and the pipeline monopoly criticizes the oil company for the export of oil products which could have covered the deficit in the region. However, analysts expect one more Far Eastern fuel crisis analogous to the events of spring 2011 if some dramatic scenario such as the unscheduled stopping of oil-refining plants occurs.

Rosneft and Transneft are trying to blame each other over  who is guilty of the situation about the delivery of oil products to the Far East. At the beginning of May the theme arosen during the hot line call with Vladimir Putin. Since that time they have started communicating with the government and criticizing each others’ actions. Putin charged FAS with investigating and dealing with the high fuel prices in the Far East.

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