Ministry of Energy to submit a draft regulation on the warranties ofr Transneft for Kuyumba-Tayshet pipeline

​The draft regulation upon the warranties for Transneft for the reception of oil volume for the Kuyumba-Tayshet pipeline will be submitted to the Government in March 2015, deputy Minister of Energy, K. Molodtsov, said answering the question if Transneft and Rosneft have agreed on the oil supply.

Transneft is actively realizing this project. Speaking about the oil volumes, such work is actively held. Not only Rosneft will be there.

He said that Gazprom Neft and JVs of Gazprom Neft and Rosneft can be among the companies-suppliers.

Transneft that constructs the Zapolyarie-Purpe and Kuyumba-Tayshet oil pipelines will have to freeze the pipelines under construction as the oil companies postpone the start of the oil supply to the system due to the delay in the development of new deposits.

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