Transneft to pump 6.5 mln tons of oil products of Rosneft for 8.7 bln roubles

​The Board of Directors of Rosneft has approved the deal on the transportation of 6.5 mln tons of oil products by the system of route pipelines of Transneft for export and domestic market- diesel fuel and fuel for jet engines TC-1, Rosneft reports.

The Board has also approved the deals with Rosneft’s affiliates on the supply of oil products. The company will ship oil products at the volume of 540.82 thousand tons to Rosneft-Smolensknefteprodukt, 491.9 thousand tons to RN-Yaroslavl, 351.51 thousand tons to RN-Trade.

At the meeting in summer the shareholders of Rosneft approved the pumping of 178.7 mln tons of oil for 27.354 bln roubles by the system of Transneft.

The total oil pumping by the system of route pipelines of Transneft in 2014 made up 479 mln tons, in 2015 the company expects the reduction by 1 mln tons.

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