Transneft has announced tenders for isolation valves supplies worth around 744 million rubles
Edited by Rhod Mackenzie / 2013-09-04 12:18:44
Transneft has announced 5 tenders for isolation valves and flaps supplies for 743.9 million rubles. Bidding is executed in a form of closed tender. The winner should supply isolation valves to 7 enterprises: Verkhnevolzhsknefteprovod JSC, Centrsibnefteprovod JSC, Mostransnefteproduct JSC, Privolzhsknefteprovod JSC, SZMN JSC, Uralsibnefteprovod JSC and Chernomortransneft JSC. The verdict will be brought within September 10 – October 10.
Translated by Nadezhda Poltoratskaya