In H1, Russia decreased oil exports by 1.9% to 118.1 million tons

In H1, Russia decreased oil exports by 1.9% to 118.094 million tons, the Central Dispatch Department of Fuel and Energy Sector reports, including 103.554 million tons to far abroad (-2.4%), and 14.54 million tons to the CIS (-1.6%). Exports by Transneft’s system were 10.231 million tons by Lukoil (-24.3%), 31.373 million tons by Rosneft (+5.7%), 13.681 million tons by BP-TNK (-14.6%), 14.941 million tons by Surgutneftegaz (+18.3%), and 4.224 million tons by Gazprom Neft (-31.6%). Kazakh oil transit decreased by 6.2% to 9.213 million tons.

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