Evraz NTMP has constructed a new terminal

​There is a new Cargo terminal at the Evraz Nakhodka sea trade port that unites production-loading complexes #4 and 5 located at the Astafiev cape.

The new terminal works with coal, coke, cast iron and products of metallurgical plants of Evraz.

According to the port’s management, the alliance of complexes will allow to increase the efficiency of treatment of vessels with rolled products.

We could see the effect of the new terminal the first days of its functioning, the managing director of Evraz NTMP, V. Saraev, said. The loading volumes of rolled products onto vessels significantly rose. We expect a further efficiency growth.

Last year the complexes #1 and 3 were united into the Coal terminal. It allowed to increase the efficiency by 10%, set a record of unloading (148 wagons a shift) and daily loading onto vessels (66 thousand tons of cargo) for the entire history of the port.

Now there are 2 large terminals at the port, each comprises 8 piers and is about 2 km long.

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