Krymsky Titan tries to circumvent Ukrainian sanctions

Operation of Krymsky Titan, one of the largest enterprises of the peninsula, was under threat. According to the Crimean authorities, the plant has ceased to receive raw materials from the Ukraine. At the same time, Kiev says that it doesn’t interfere with the supply. Attempts to clarify the situation revealed another conflict: as the Russian Federation, as the Ukraine are sure that Krymsky Titan of Ukrainian businessman Dmitry Firtash is registered in their jurisdictions. This scheme, together with the presence of the enterprise’s own cross-border railway line, can allow it to bypass the Ukrainian sanctions and keep the raw material supply.

On Friday, the head of the Crimea Sergei Aksenov announced that Krymsky Titan stopped the supply of raw materials from the Ukraine. "There are stocks for a month," - he said, added that the authorities considered options for the plant provision, but not all methods can be named publicly. The official explained the situation with the commercial blockade of the Crimea, which Ukrainian deputies and civil society activists began on September 20.

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