UC Rusal not to offer bonds in roubles after September 6th

​Rusal says it will organize necessary procedures for the cancellation of corporate bonds in rubles in conformity with the rules and norms.

Rusal will not offer corporate bonds in roubles of “Rusal Krasnoyarsk” OJSC after September 6th, is said in the company’s message sent to the Hong Kong stock exchange.

“According to the company’s message as of June 28th 2013, concerning the corporate bonds in roubles of Rusal Krasnoyarsk of 01-04 series (that were registered in 2012), the period within which the expected offering might take place was extended until not later than the second year after the registration of corporate bonds in roubles with an opportunity of their further prolongation for a year. The 3-year period will expire on September 6th 2015 and the offering of corporate bonds in roubles will not be held after this date”, is reported.

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