Urals turbine plant puts into operation a new oxygen unit

​A new oxygen unit with the capacity of up to 200 tons of oxygen a year has started working at the Urals turbine plant (Rotek holding) in the start-up and commissioning mode. The unit attends the metal constructions shop where oxygen is shipped to the welding machines and flame-cutting machines.

The new oxygen unit has replaced the old one that had worked for over 40 years. It is not only the replacement but reaching a new technological level. Unlike the previous equipment, the new equipment works fully in the automated mode, doesn’t require the personnel. The new unit is located at the open site.

The equipment for the new oxygen unit was leased from “Linde Uraltekhgas” OJSC, Yekaterinburg (affiliate of Linde AG, one of the leading world producers of gas of industrial purpose).

The launch of the new oxygen unit is a bright example that even in the current economic conditions, using various tools, the plant goes on to actively modernize its production, the CEO of  Urals turbine plant, I. Sorochan, said.

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