In Q1, rolled steel production reduced by 8% to 6.727 million tons in the Ukraine

In Q1, rolled steel production reduced by 8% to 6.727 million tons in the Ukraine, the CEO of Metallurgprom union. A. Zrazhevsky said at the conference ‘The Ukrainian metallurgy: the current state and energy efficiency’ on April 24th. They analyzed at the conference the current state of the Ukrainian metallurgy, the final results for Q1 2014, defined the tendencies and the prospects of the direction.

Within the period, the Ukraine made 7.040 million tons of cast iron (-3%), 7.525 million tons of steel (-9%), and 6.727 million tons of rolled steel (-8%). The metal enterprises are provided with iron ore materials by 8% of the needed volume of pellets, 94% of the needed agglomerate, by 96% of agglomerated ore, and by 94% of iron ore concentrate.

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