Alrosa founds a branch in the Far East

​The Supervision Committee of Alrosa on March 20th 2016 approved a decision on the establishment of a branch in Vladivostok. This is the first step towards the foundations of a Russian diamond center in the Primorie region.

The company’s branch will determine the list of potential participants and investors for the foundations of the Russian Diamond Center in the framework of “Free port Vladivostok”. The company realizes this project by the order of the Vice-PM, Y. Trutnev.

According to the company’s President, A. Zharkov, it is planned to hold the first trades and shows of diamonds of Alrosa in Vladivostok in August-September 2016.

In future regular diamond trades will be organized on the basis of the Diamond Center with the focus on the consumers from APR.

The branch is supposed to increase the sales of Alrosa, develop the regional presence and expand the cooperation with the companies and clients from APR, primarily from China, Japan, Singapore etc.

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