Ukrainian metallurgy needs changes

In September this year, the volume of steel production was reduced by 37% as compared with September of previous year. On the whole, it managed to produce 1.7 million tons, so the country fell by one position and ranked the 12th in the world rankings. But it should be noted that there is good news. The US Department of Commerce canceled a trade agreement, which was signed by over a dozen years ago. According to this document, the import of steel from the Russian Federation was carried out without a duty.

Steel companies have complained that the Russian companies created dumping prices. Now, when the trade agreement, signed in late last century, is canceled, Severstal will have to pay almost 74% duty. Magnitogorsk and Novolipetsk plants can be forced to pay about 185% duty. Now the Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises have the opportunity (in theory) to increase their exports to the territory of the United States, occupying a niche that is free.

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