Atomredmetalzoloto asks to zero MET on uranium mining

Atomredmetalzoloto (ARMZ, uranium holding company of Rosatom) tries to get tax breaks for its deposits, the cost of production at which is 1.5 times higher than the market price. The holding company asks to create a territory of priority development in Krasnokamensk in the Transbaikal region and to zero MET on uranium mining. For a while, only oil and gas companies achieved the zero MET.

On Friday, during a round table on the problems of the nuclear industry in the Federation Council, representatives of ARMZ raised the issue of tax breaks for uranium mining. According to general director of the company Vladimir Verkhovtsev, the Krasnokamensk Priargunskoe mining and chemical plant (PPGKhO) developed the majority of reserves with high uranium content, it needs a new, the sixth mine, investments in which are estimated at 30 billion rubles. But ARMZ required benefits, in particular the introduction of zero tax rate on the uranium mining in 2016-2020, which will increase the financial resources of mining companies to 500-600 million rubles per year. Also the Krasnokamensk district, where PPGKhO is located, is recommended to be included in a list of territories of priority development that is supported by the Coordination Council for socio-economic development of the Baikal region under the presidential envoy in the Siberian Federal District.

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