UC Rusal can cease aluminum sales in the Ukraine via ZAlK-AKZ and can introduce direct supplies from Russia for the Ukrainian consumers
Edited by Rhod Mackenzie / 2014-11-26 11:56:31
Metals and mining RUSAL Russia Ukraine SUAL Russia Metals and Mining Ukraine Metals and Mining Aluminium Glencore
UC Rusal can cease the sales of aluminum made in Russia and aluminum rolled wire via its subsidiaries Zaporozhye Production Aluminum Combine (ZAlK) and Aluminum Rolled Wire of Zaporozhye (AKZ), and can start supplies of the products under the direct contracts between the Russian structures and the Ukrainian consumers. The final decision is not admitted as yet. After closure of crude aluminum supplies to ZAlK and aluminum rolled wire production in July, they sold these products from Russia, mostly via AKZ founded recently. The monthly sales are 1,500 tons of aluminum.