Boeing and Airbus will increase purchases from "VSMPO-Avisma".

Boeing and Airbus will increase purchases from "VSMPO-Avisma".

The titanium company "VSMPO-Avisma" expects additional orders from Airbus and Boeing to load its capacities, which should grow by a third to 40 thousand tons by 2020. Currently both concerns account for over 60% of the exports of the Russian company and while the blocking stake of "VSMPO-Avisma" belongs to "Rostec", which fell under the sanctions, that does not stop cooperation with Western consumers. Analysts believe that any breach of contract with the "VSMPO-Avisma" would be too costly for the aircraft manufacturers.

"VSMPO-Avisma" has agreed to expand cooperation with the world's two major aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Airbus. For Airbus, the Russian company, which is its biggest supplier, has developed machined details for the production of A350XWB chassis - the newest widebody long-haul aircraft. Yesterday senior vice president of Airbus for the supply and materials, Olivier Coquille stated the item would be introduced into production during the year, while the supply would increase to the extent that, as would accelerate the production of the two major aircraft Airbus families - A350 and A320NEO. For Boeing "VSMPO-Avisma" will be a key supplier on the program of a new family of wide-body aircraft 777H.

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