Severstal to pay out dividends-2014, 14.65 roubles per share
Edited by Rhod Mackenzie / 2015-05-26 11:26:21
The shareholders of “Severstal” took a decision at an annual general meeting to pay out final dividends 2014 in the amount of 14.65 roubles per a share (+9 times) and 12.81 roubles per a share for Q1, 2015 (+5.3 times), runs the company’s statement.
There will be directed 12.27 billion roubles for the payment of final dividends-2014 and 10.73 billion roubles – for Q1, 2015. The majority shareholder of “Severstal” A.Mordashov (79.2% shares) has 9.72 billion roubles and 8.5 billion roubles. The list of shareholders will be ready by June 5.