Novokuznetsk aluminum plant! A business trends victim.
"Our future depends not only on the management of the enterprises or on the people who work here, but on the situation in the two markets - electricity and aluminum", - Victor Zhirnakov, the Managing Director of Novokuznetsk aluminum plant, complains.
The severe crisis of overproduction in the global aluminum industry made "Rusal" take a large-scale program to reduce inefficient facilities in the past year. Five of the twelve Russian aluminum plants of electrolysis production were halted, on the most remaining in service (except for the most effective - the Bratsk and Krasnoyarsk) the production volumes were reduced. The reduction in the overall scale of metal production at Russian "Rusal" plants amounted to 316 million tons (8%) last year, in 2014 the production program is planned to be cut down by further 350 tons.