IrkAZ cuts expenditures for electric power

The Irkutsk aluminium plant (IrkAZ), a part of RusAl, implements an energy conservation program. The power consumption has gone down by 100 kWh per 1 ton of aluminium over the four months since the creation of a pilot area of the 5th series. They saved 1.2 million roubles a month.

The expenses for electric power make up ¼ of all costs in the production of aluminium. The plant was aimed at a reduction of power consumption on the 5th series to 13 thousand kWh per 1 ton of metal, increase current output up to 93.5% and the reduction of the cost of pot relining.

As engineering director of IrkaZ, S.Koshkarev said they increased the covering of anodes in order to keep heat balance on the same level at a reduction of anode-to-cathode distance. So, the voltage of electrolyzes went down from 4 to 3.92 V.

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