The Ukraine might increase steel output by 15%

​According to the forecast of the Federation of metallurgists of the Ukraine, steel making in the country will rise to 26.5 mln tons on the results of 2016.

In 2016 the Ukrainian metallurgical companies might increase steel making by 15% against 2015 to 26.5 mln tons if they manage to keep the growth rates set at the beginning of the year.

We can see a 15% growth in January-February and March 1-22nd 2016. If this tendency stays, we will produce 26.5 mln tons of steel this year, the head of the Federation of metallurgists of the Ukraine, S. Bilenky, said.

Metallurgical companies warn that the growing deficit of metal scrap might lead to the reduction of steel making. They called the Government, in particular, the Ministry of Economic Development, to apply the state approach for the supply of metal scrap to the Ukrainian producers and not to stimulate its export.

There is a stable tendency of steel production growth in the Ukraine.

Daily production in January was higher than in December. In February it was higher than in January. In March steel making keeps growing, Metallurgprom says.

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