SevGOK increased pellets output by 15%

​The Severny GOK (SevGOK, Krivoi Rog, Dnepropetrovsky region) in January-April 2016 increased the output of saleable pellets by 15.5% against January-April 2015 to 3.089 mln tons. In January-April 2016 concentrate output rose by 8% to 4.269 mln tons.

In April SevGOK produced 739 thousand tons of pellets, 1.074 mln tons of concentrate.

In 2015 SevGOK reduced the production of saleable pellets by 10.9% against 2014 to 7.690 mln tons, concentrate- by 2% to 13.152 mln tons.

SevGOK is the largest in Europe mining enterprises with the completed cycle of blast furnace raw materials preparation - iron ore output with iron content of 66% and pellets with iron content of 62.3% and 63%.

The extortion complex of the enterprise consists of the Pervomay mine with the productivity f 26 mln tons of crude ore a year and Annovsky mine with the productivity of crude ore of 10 mln tons a year.

The processing complex consists of crashing plants #1-3, processing units #1,2 and 2 shops on pellets production.

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