Norilsk Nickel to hold a buy back

Norilsk Nickel studies an opportunity of a buy back of its shares, CEO V. Potanin said. 5 years ago the buy back became one of the reasons of the corporate war between the majority shareholders of GMK –Interros and UC Rusal that settled the conflict in 2013. Now the buy back is considered as a tool of supporting the company’s listing. In its turn the main conditions of the shareholders agreement – payment of large dividends –is not presupposed even on the background of worsening of the economic situation.

The CEO of Norilsk Nickel, V. Potanin, said about a possibility of the buy back at the meeting with journalists after the launch of the first start-up complex of the Talnakh plant. He didn’t release the details of the potential deal saying only that an opportunity of the purchase of shares for small amounts is considered. “The decision upon the purchase of GMK shares hasn’t been made as yet. Now we consult upon this issue with groups of shareholders and banks”, Mr. Potanin said.

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