Raspadskaya closes half year in the red

OJSC “Raspadskaya” has closed the first half of the year with negative result of its gross profit at $1.376 million against $56.676 million a year ago. It is said in the unaudited consolidated report of the company in H1 under IAS.

The loss is mainly due to fixed asset retirement (-$1.376 mln) and devaluation of assets (-$0.893 mln).

Because of exchange rate differences the loss before tax made up $83.434 million.

The revenue of OJSC “Raspadskaya” from sales of products went down by 18.5% to $241.243 million in H1, 2014 from $295.925 million in January-June 2013.

98% of the revenue of the company falls on coking coal sales.

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