Amur region plans to save gold mining at the level of 2014

​The Government of the Amur region plans that the gold mining in 2015 will stay at the level of 2014 and make up 29.5 tons, head of the department of mining industry of the regional Ministry of Natural Resources, A. Evseev, said.

According to him, in Q1 2015 there is a fall of gold ore extraction, in particular, due to the enterprises of Petropavlovsk group which extracted by 1.6 tons less than in Q1 2014. The company’s management promises to cover the loss by the end of the year.

“Berezitovy mine” Ltd (in the structure of Nordgold) in 2015 plans to extract 3.9 tons of gold (at about the level of 2014). “Priisk Solovievsky” OJSC plans to complete the construction of a plant with the annual production of 1-2 tons of gold at the Solovievsky site and start to extract gold ore.

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