In Q2 2015, MMK reduced steel production by 8%

In the second quarter of 2015, the total steel production in the MMK Group made up 2.969 million tons (-8.0% as compared to Q 1, 2015). The total loading capacity of the main steelmaking site in Magnitogorsk exceed 82%. At the same time, the loading of the converter production was 100% and the reduction of the loading as compared with the first quarter took place because of the reduction of the loading of the electric arc furnaces.

The total shipment of commercial products in the MMK Group (net of internal rotation) made up 2.683 million tons (-9.0%). The HVA production was 1.295 million tons (-5.1%). The share of these products in the total production growth increased and made up 48.3%. The loading of key rolling units (mills 5000 and 2000) remained close to 100%. The production of coal concentrate at Belon amounted to 701 thousand tons (+ 18.0%).

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