Effect of innovations introduction at MMK makes up 2.5 billion rubles

In 2013, the economic effect of the introduction of scientific research at Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant (MMK) made up 2.5 billion rubles. According to the MMK’s press centre, in general the company's specialists implemented 54 projects in the field of research.

“MMK works on development of innovative products on a regular basis. In 2013, 5 innovative projects were completed, 11 new size products were mastered, about 5 tons of new types of metal products were produced and shipped to customers.

Last year, the plant worked on 78 subjects together with leading research institutes of the country, 44 of which were completed. For example, the second stage of the state contract on "Mastering of the technology of sheet metal manufacture from high strength steel". In addition, in 2013 MMK received 42 patents for inventions and utility models.

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