2.1 mln tons of coal extracted at Stepnoy mine in Khakasiya

​In H1 2016 the extraction of thermal coal at the Stepnoy mine in Khakasiya rose by 25 thousand tons (1.2%) against H1 2015 and made up 2.1 mln tons, Russian Coal GC said.

Over 1.7 mln tons of coal were processed at the processing plant, that is by 64 thousand tons (3.9) higher than in H1 2015.

Despite of the development of alternative energy sources, thermal coal from Russia is still in demand overseas.

One o the main consumers of coal of the Stepnoy mine is Poland where there is a fall of extraction by the local enterprises due to the non-profitability of production.

From the beginning of 2016 the production park of the Stepnoy mine was filled with new equipment.

In 2016 it is planned to extract over 4 mln tons of coal at the Stepnoy mine.

In general in Khakasiya there is a positive dynamics of coal mining.

The volume of extraction coal in the republic in 2015 made up 16.972 mln tons which is by 13% or 1.971 mln tons higher than in 2014.

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