Production of lode gold increases in Khabarovsk region

The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Khabarovsk region has summed up the results of the mining sector in the six months of 2015. As the head of the regional department of the Ministry of Natural Resources Nikolai Ischuk reported, in the first six months, enterprises of the region produced 8.2 tons of gold. This is by 6% more than the plan and corresponds to the level of the previous year.

"At the same time, the volume of the gold ore production in the region significantly increased. The company Albazino Resources in the ​​Polina Osipenko distrcit is particularly successful in the current year. In the first six months, the company mined 3.7 tons of the precious metal. This is by 10% more than in the same period last year," - said Nikolai Ischuk.

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