Over the past four months, the Ukraine reduced production of ferroalloys by 2%

In January-April 2015, Ukrainian ferroalloy enterprises reduced their production by 1.7% as compared to the same period of the previous year to 324.9 thousand tons, Ukrainian Ferroalloys Producers Association reports.

In particular, the production of silicomanganese increased by 10.8% to 263.7 thousand tons, while the output of ferromanganese decreased by 10.8% to 28.8 thousand tons, ferrosilicon (45%) - by 52.3% to 28.7 thousand tons. It was also produced 3.7 thousand tons of manganese metal, whereas in January-March 2014 it wasn’t produced at all.

The Association also noted that the Stakhanov ferroalloy plant is idle because of the hostilities in the region.


The production of ferroalloys at Ukrainian enterprises in January-April of 2015, thousand tons:

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