NLMK group improves management structure over foreign assets

​NLMK group has held organizational changes at NLMK International B.V., head company of foreign assets of NLMK group. The changes were directed for the perfection of the management system over foreign assets and increase of their integration into the company’s structure.

By the decision of NLMK group the following people entered the Council of managing directors: head of the division NLMK Europe Flat rolled products, Ben de Vos, head of the division of NLMK Europe Plate, I. Sarkits, head of the division of NLMK USA, Bob Miller, and the head of the international –legal management of NLMK Group, M. Starostina. The chairman of the Council of managing directors is Ben de Vos. He will also enter the management of NLMK group, and that will allow to increase the integration and representation of interests of foreign assets at the level of the group.

The expansion of power and strengthening of the team of managers of foreign divisions of NLMK will allow to increase the speed of their development and provide the transfer of the best practices and technologies between the Russian and foreign assets of the group.

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