Kyrgyzstan hopes to increase investments into mining industry
The Kyrgyz Government has adopted a package of measures aimed at improving the conditions for investment in the mining sector; the corresponding document was signed by the Prime Minister of the Republic, Djoomart Otorbaev on Wednesday.
In particular, the Government defined the authority to perform certain types of expertise that will contribute to a more comfortable purchase of a license and a package of geological information; the procedure for participation in tenders and auctions for foreign legal entities was simplified. In addition, the share of the costs for participation in auctions was reduced for foreign investors.
About 80% of the Kyrgyz territory is located in mountainous regions, which are extremely rich in minerals. Copper, oil shale, peat, gas, oil, precious and rare earth metals are mined in the country. Rich deposits of antimony, mercury, uranium, zinc, tin, tungsten, lead etc. are located here.