The Ukraine has decided to try Australian coal

​Having refused from African coal, the Ukraine thinks about the purchase of coal in Australia, the head of the Tripoli thermal power plant, P. Kravets, said.

By today Centrenergo along with the Ministry of Energy and Coal consider the issue of signing a contract on coal purchase from Australia, P. Kravets, said and specified that the purchase is a long-term process and in case of reaching an agreement, physical supplies will be held by the next heating season.

According to the head of the Tripoli thermal power plant, the station has recently received the first part of the lot of coal from the South African Republic at the Yuzhny port.

African coal and Donbass coal suit our station.

We received coal with the calorie value of 3,700 kcal (sludge) to 5,700 kcal, on average – 5,400-5,700 kcal.

The calorie value of the African coal is 5,200-5,400 kcal.

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