Kazakhstan plans to organize large production of ferrosilicium

Production of ferrosilicon is intended to be organized in Aksu of the Pavlodar region, the KazTAG reports. "This is the construction of two lines. The first part includes the ferroalloy production of ferrosilicon. The implementation period is 2.5 years after the approval, its cost is $136.7 million. The second stage includes the construction and launch a electrometallurgical complex for the production of unit-cast billet with capacity from 500 thousand to 620 thousand tons.

“In this case, the volume of investments will be $181.8 million,"- director of the enterprise Anatoly Martynyuk reports. According to him, works on the organization of the infrastructure for $5 million are carried out. In the future, the project envisages rolling production from its own billet.

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