Wintershall: the RF proposal to increase gas MET alerts investors

The proposal made by Russian authorities concerning increase of gas tax in Eastern Siberia alerts investors, the Chairman of German Wintershall, Rainer Seele reported.

“The proposal about increment of the tax for gas production in Eastern Siberia alerts investors”, Seele said at German-Russian forum on Wednesday.

The Chairman of Wintershall also said, a number of decisions made by the authorities of EU, were counterproductive, particularly, the decisions about gas pipelines.

“The actions of the regulators are counterproductive in this case”, Seele said, speaking about the initiatives of EU and Russian authorities.

“We need the policy providing unity with Russia, not confrontation. The RF and EU should become closer and form an alliance. The investors must be confident in their investments at the consumers must have guarantees of obtaining of the products”, he said.

In June the Head of German company specified, Wintershall wouldn’t reconsider its plans of the development of new sectors of Achimovsky beds at Urengoy deposit due to the fact that its joint venture with Gazprom (Achimgaz CJSC) has to pay the increased gas MET. He noted, one more JV with Gazprom (Severneftegazprom) had to pay the increased MET. Gas MET for Gazprom and affiliated persons is higher than for independent producers.

Seele said, the reduced productivity of the South Russian deposit and Achimovsky beds couldn’t affect the further plans and the terms of the assets exchange transaction with Gazprom. In the framework of this transaction Gazprom must obtain the sectors in the North Sea in exchange for the fourth and the fifth sectors of Achimovsky beds by the end of the year.



Translated by Alexandra Utyasheva

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