The Russian pipe market is growing

Gazprom is to in the near future begin the construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline in the framework of implementation of the Chinese gas contract. Russian metallurgical companies should get a huge benefit due to this - in the case, of course, their readiness to fulfill orders.

The total length of the Power Siberia gas pipeline will be about 4 thousand km, which would require at least 2.6 million tons of large-diameter pipes (LDP). This means that Russian pipe companies together can claim for contracts to the amount of $5.7 billion. Moreover, the experts interviewed note that the priority in the pipeline construction will be given to pipes of domestic production. Such a large-scale contract, certainly, gives the Russian pipe and steel companies a unique opportunity not only to improve their economic and financial situation, but also to demonstrate their competitive advantages, director of the Pipe Industry Development Fund, Oleg Kalinsky thinks.

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