Aluminium is a king of modern metals

It is known that more than 20% of global aluminium production is used in construction today. Almost all modern buildings are built using this metal because of excellent physical properties of aluminium that make it ideal for a variety of systems and structures.

Excursus to the history

First they started using aluminum in the construction more than a century ago. At first it was just a replacement for traditional materials - iron, steel, bronze and copper.

Over time, the metal displaced its rivals as the best. It was started to be used not only for decoration, but also for the design of major systems. Flexible and durable, aluminium bar sections of different sizes can now be seen not only at construction sites, but also in furniture, automotive and other types of industry. Due to it a new era of avant-garde, later transformed into high-tech, was born. Today aluminium bar sections are an indispensable material in various industries.

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