Severstal launched a modernized cold rolling mill

​The technical retooling of the mill was held at the rolling and burning shop of the Cherepovets metallurgical plant.

Severstal put into industrial operation a 4-shaft cold rolling mill after reconstruction

In the framework of the project with the value of over 3 bln roubles the entire complex of equipment of the site was renewed.

The modernized mill will allow to increase the output of cold rolled plates by 200 thousand tons  a year, which will make up 20% of the annual volume. Moreover, with the launch of new equipment the assortment of goods will significantly expand and their quality will improve, the CEO of division “Severstal Russia Steel”, S. Toropov said.

The mill will produce metal with flatness of up to 5 mm, thickness of 0.4-3.2 mm. The annual project capacity of the mill makes up 1.3 mln tons of rolled products. The main consumers of products of new equipment will be the car manufacturing sector, construction enterprises, producers of household appliances.

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