Rosgeologiya to attract investors from China to develop the resources in Siberia and Far East
Rosgeologiya will attract investors from China to develop the resources in Siberia and the Far East, the head of the holding, R. Panov, said.
The region’s mineral resources are really attractive for foreign investors, including business circles of China, Japan, Korea. China is the largest investor, economically interested in the development of many types of minerals in the Far East. There is no necessity to enumerate Chinese companies that already participate in the mineral and raw materials business in Russia and that are potentially ready to enter it. Along with the Development Fund of the Far East, we work on the expansion of this circle of potential investors, Panov said.
Over 10 complex geological enterprises located in the Far East and Siberia might enter the structure of the geological holding, Mr. Panov said.
He added that Rosgeologiya plans to develop the cooperation with the gold mining companies in this region.