Y. Eliseyev: For the last year the demand for metal structures has reduced 1.5 times
The Head of Stalnyie Konstruktsiyi-Proflist, Y. Eliseyev reported about the state of Russian metal construction industry, having noted that “there is no integral metal construction industry in Russia. Our industry is the component of the upper level system – the construction industry. However, if there is no construction industry in the generally accepted sense of the problems it deals with (industrial policy, training of staff, scientific research, normative and technical regulation, legally capable governmental bodies etc.), none of its components can develop efficiently. One more important thing is that no common interests of metal producers and producers of metal structures have been found yet, everyone works on their own. Though, there are some steps forward. The institute of self-regulatory organizations couldn’t assist to unification of construction companies. Thus, only demand at the market regulates our industry and lets us go forward”.