Metallurgprom opposes the export of metal scrap

​“Metallurgprom” has always opposed and opposes the export of ferrous metals scrap from the Ukraine, CEO A. Zrazhevsky said.

According to him, in many countries of the world there is a ban for the export of metal scrap. “China and Kazakhstan don’t export but we do”, he said.

He said that now the metallurgical sector of the Ukraine faces a serious crisis due to the devaluation and price fall in the foreign markets. “The net revenue from the sales made up 27 bln grivna, by 6 bln grivna or 30% more against the previous year. The sales growth due to the prices made up 86% and the fall due to the production volumes – 56%. Meanwhile the growth of the currency exchange rate has led to the rise of loss by the loans and contracts in foreign currency. As a result the financial result from the regular activity before the tax payment is negative and makes up -34 bln grivna”, he said.

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