SUEK to continue to buy freight cars.

The company will spend about 20 billion roubles for 10,000 cars in 2015-2017.

In 2015-2017 the largest coal mining company in Russia - SUEK plans to increase the fleet of rolling stock for 10,000 cars, according to the materials of the company, directed to the government. Of these 7,000 can be of a model that Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant produces (TVSZ, part of the United Car Building Company of the ICT Group), and 3,000 – of the model from "Altayvagonzavod" ("SDS-mash"). In order to increase the number of cars the company needs 18-22 billion roubles based on the estimated cost of one car worth 1.8-2.2 million, according to the materials of SUEK.

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