MMK n.a. Ilyich: output in Jan-July 2014
Edited by Rhod Mackenzie / 2014-08-07 05:28:21
The Mariupol metallurgical plant (MMK) n.a. Ilyich (Donetsk region) which is in the structure of Metinvest group, in Jan-July 2014 cut the rolled products output by 9.2% against the same period in 2013 to 2.259 mln tons. Steel production fell 13.8% to 2.563 mln tons while cast iron production rose 8.9% to 3.031 mln tons within that period.
In July MMK n.a. Ilyich produced 322 thousand tons of rolled products, 353 thousand tons of steel and 398 thousand tons of cast iron, in June – 340 thousand tons of rolled products, 389 thousand tons of steel and 459 thousand tons of cast iron.