Copper plant of Udokan to be able to process raw materials from other deposits, including from Mongolia

The large copper plant, which will be built near the town of Yasnogorsk in the Trans-Baikal region within the development of the Udokan deposit, will also work with raw materials from deposits of the south-east of the region and Mongolian Erdenet.

This was noted by the deputy prime minister of the Trans-Baikal region, Evgeny Vishnjakov, who again commented on the results of the competition for the right to develop the Udokan copper deposit and related prospects of the region.

He recalled that two compound companies had claimed the Udokan deposit at the last stage. These were Russian Copper Company with the interests of the consortium of Ural mining and metallurgical company and Russian Railways, as well as the tandem of Metallinvest’s Mikhailovsky GOK with the state corporation Rostec.

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