Norilsk Nickel to construct Bystrinsky GOK by August, 2017

Norilsk Nickel intends to complete the construction of the Bystrinsky GOK in the Chita region by August, 2017, it is planned that the GOK will reach its full processing capacity of 10 million tons of ore per year in 2018, the company reports.

On Tuesday, the company announced international tenders for “ready-to-operate” construction of four facilities at the Bystrinskoye deposit: a dressing plant, camp, heating boiler with coal warehouse and power supply facilities of Bystrinsky GOK.

The renewed strategy of Norilsk Nickel provides for the organization of project financing on account of borrowed funds without recourse to the company's balance sheet in the amount of over $1 billion for the next four years for the launch of Bystrinsky GOK in 2017. The project is at a high degree of elaboration, it is profitable; we plan to separate it as an independent company, the first deputy general director and CEO ,Pavel Fedorov reported, presented an updated strategy of Norilsk Nickel in May.

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