UC Rusal reduces aluminium prices for Russian consumers

Rusal announces of the aluminium price reduction for the Russian consumers. Aiming for the stimulation of consumption in the Russian market the company launches a program of price reduction for the Russian consumers. The program aims for the support and development of the domestic aluminium consuming sector as well as for the stimulation of import replacement to the producers of the domestic high-tech products.

To support the existing aluminum consumers and attract the innovation technologies Rusal will grant 5-15% discounts for new types of wire rod out of aluminium alloys for the production of high-tech electric wires; aluminium casting alloys used in the production of car spare parts; high-purity aluminium applied in the electronic and aviation industries. Moreover, aiming for further expansion of the sphere of application of aluminium and support of medium and small business in Russia, Rusal is ready to grant additional discounts up to 3% to the domestic consumers of products used for the production of construction sections for the long-term contracts over a year.

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